The following information is being shared with us by Travis, regarding: PARR family cemetery in Fayette Co., TX. Travis has moved from his previous email address.

(Does anyone know Travis’ whereabouts?)

According to the Joe Cole Cemetery Survey of 9-4-1958, this site is:

Two miles south of Winchester on the north bank of Spring Branch just above the spring.

Property owned by Rudy Mitschke. One lone grave. Has had a galvanized wire fence; the fence is missing. Large pecan trees.

Info from Louis Null, M. V. Harris. Across a little branch 100 yards east is the Parr Cemetery. This is a large cemetery with only 5 monuments left standing; others are all broken and falling down.

According to the Joe Cole Cemetery Survey of 9-4-1958

According to a report by Norman Krischke of 8-20-1968, the site was established on the Parr farm, later owned by Rudy Mitschke and in 1968 known as the Zilss farm. Krischke states: “Covers large acreage on hill NW in confluence of _____ Creek an old bed of Colorado. I have examined the Fayette County map carefully.

The creek referred to appears to be called “Spring Banch.” One grave with iron fence under large live oak tree. Many bricks are scattered over a large area.” Mr. Krischke lists the Jerrells grave, Cole does not.

This cemetery is marked “PARR” on the Texas Department of Transportation general highway map of Fayette County, TX.

Jerrells, Fanoria A.1871-8-71876-9-16dau. of A. H. & A. V. Jerrells
Parr, Elizabeth1832-9-241891-10-18 
Parr, F. G.1834-10-161871-1-19 
Parr, Marshall H.1828-7-151867-11-20 
Parr, Mary J.1855-12-261867-10-17dau. of t. t. & m. m. parr
Parr, Sarah A. D.1862-1-111868-6-26dau. of t. t. & m. m. parr
unidentified  fenced at one time, 100 yd east of cem.
unidentified  other stones here broken & falling dn.

I have no idea who the Jerrells were or the identity of the individuals in the unmarked graves. I am still searching for the remains of Richard & Henry Parr however, I would expect them to be buried together, not apart as this listing states.

This information was sent to Travis by Leslie Schulze of the Fayette Co. Public Library via e-mail in response to his request.

Elizabeth Parr is: Elizabeth JOHNSON Parr, 2nd wife of Marshall H. Parr
F. G. Parr is: Fincher Parr, son of Henry Parr
Marshall H. Parr: Marshall H. Parr is also Henry’s son
Mary J. Parr is: Mary J. is a dau. of Thomas T. Parr & Melissa WEIR
Sarah A. D. Parr: Sarah is probably their daughter also as the “Note” says.

Thomas & Melissa had 9 children. All died young except for two daughters, Sarah & Margaret. Obviously Sarah A. D. was not the Sara who married her cousin Marshall H. Parr, Jr.!

Thomas T. Parr is a son of Richard Parr. Richard and Henry are sons of William Parr.

Richard & Henry were both born in Mississippi and came to Gonzales Co., Texas in the early 1850’s.

Richard was killed on the 22 of December 1853 by L. Nichols in a dispute over ownership of a piece of land at the mouth of Peach creek where it flows into the Guadalupe River in Gonzales Co. Henry was the executor of his brother’s estate.

Henry later moved to Fayette Co. where he died in LaGrange. Gonzales and Fayette are adjacent Texas counties. Richard is my ggg grandfather.

This Parr family has been traced back to a William Parr who lived in James City Co., VA in 1681, and has been published as “PARR of VIRGINIA and other Southern States” in Historical Southern Families, by Mrs. John Bennett Boddie, v 16, pub. by Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. Baltimore, 1971.

The 1867 deaths were probably from Yellow Fever. There were 204 deaths in LaGrange, the county seat, from Aug. to Nov. of that year.

This epidemic apparently affected most of Central Texas and the upper Gulf Coast. It was the worst on record for Houston.


Parr genealogy came from Boddie’s publication. Name of individual who shot Richard Parr was published in both the Gonzales and Indianola papers, obtained by my sister from a pub. of abstracts from various Texas papers.

The story of the shooting is published in the Gonzales County History Book. Reference to Gonzales and Fayette Co., TX map data was obtained directly by viewing both the 1965 and 1982 publications of these maps.

My observation about the probable cause of the 1867 deaths, of yellow fever etc., comes from information obtained from several different web sights.

The numbers for Gonzales came from the Fayette Co., web page.